Hi! I'm Bhavya Joshi. I'm a Software Developer. Currently pursuing MSc. in Data Science and Statistical Learning and seeking an internship in the same domain. Served as an intern for five projects, participated in various National Level Competitions and published a few Research Papers. I'm a highly organized and detail-oriented individual, eager to secure a challenging position that utilizes my previous experience, while allowing me the opportunity to grow professionally.
Download CV Hire MePython
CovidProtect - Android App Development
Research on IOT and interfacing Boards
Deduplicator Tool - Machine Learning Project
Social Impact IOT project
Mentor-Mentee System - Website Development and Database Management
University of Limerick, Ireland.
University of Mumbai, India.
The SIO's Vani Vidyalaya, India.
The SIO's Vani Vidyalaya, India.
"IETE 52nd MTS-2021, Emerging Trends in ICT & Electronics"
"International Conference on Multidisiplinary Research & Development (ICMRD-21 ), on 31 March 2021"
"IEEE 4th Biennial International Conference on Nascent Technologies in Engineering ICNTE, 2020"
"Internamtional Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, 2019."
Flutter, Android Studio
Wordpress, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Node.js, Firebase Realtime Database, SQL
Easy to understand along with proper documentation
Research and publish papers in Journal
Good Communication Skills
personal portfolio
Personal Portfolio for presenting my projects and achievements.
Utsav Creationss
Developed an E-commerce website for selling Jewellery and other accessories.
Covid Protect App
Managed to lead the team to develop Admin Feature for CovidProtect App created by the team. The feature tracks and monitors health status of Employees/Students of an organization. Integrated app with an IOT device to make a unique Contactless Temperature Monitoring System.
Deduplicator tool
A Deduplication system which identifies all the duplicates/ similar records from
a given dataset using machine learning algorithms. User can itself train the
dataset by giving a few samples of original records and duplicate records and
then on the basis of training the whole dataset will work on the algorithm and
will generate files containg unique records and similar records clustered.
Records such as A kumar, Akshay k, Akshay Kumar will be considered as same
record if other attributes are also similar.
Car Price Prediction
A model is developed using Random Forest Regressor for predicting the price of a car based on the parameters such as Year, Showroom price, Kilometers drived, No. of previous owners of car, Fuel type, Dealer or Individual, Transmission type. The model is trained using a dataset available on Kaggle
Flight Fare Prediction
A model is developed using Random Forest Regressor for predicting the fare of a flight based on the parameters such as Departure Date and Time, Arrival Date and Time, Source, Destination, No. of stops, Airline. The model is trained using a dataset available on Kaggle
Heart Disease Prediction
A model is developed using Logistic Regression for predicting the chances of having higher/lower risk of heart disease on the basis of factors such as Cholestrol, Fasting blood sugar, Age, Gender, Chest pain, etc.
+353 89 491 3787
Limerick, Ireland
Category - Web Application
Personal Portfolio for presenting my projects and achievements.